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(661) 513-3375
PLEASE NOTE: If you are not sure of the property information, you may text us, and we will look it up for you. Please do not guess; the system will give you an incorrect quote, and the price will be adjusted before the appointment is confirmed.
Enter the Property Address:
What year was the home built?
How many square feet is the home?
Is the home on a raised foundation or a slab?
What does this mean?
A foundation is what the home is built on. If the home is above the ground by two feet or more, it is likely on a raised foundation. If the home appears to be near the ground, or a foot or less, it is likely on a slab foundation. If you are unsure, select slab and we can determine at the time of inspection and inspect the crawlspace for only $75 more if needed.
Be sure to have a pest control company treat the foundation of the home prior to the inspection. If there are too many pest hazards (i.e. Black Widow infestation), the inspector will not enter the crawlspace and will only report what they can see from the entrance to the crawlspace.
Is this a multi-family dwelling?
Is this for a single Condominium Unit?
What does this mean?
A multi-family dwelling is a building in which multiple families can live separately, but will share the same wall. Examples include: Duplex, Quadplex, or Condominium.
How many units will we be inspecting?
Does the home have a Pool or Spa?
Do you want us to inspect it?
($50 Extra)
Why wouldn\'t you?
We charge an additional $50 to inspect the Pool or Spa. If the home currently has a Pool Service Company maintaining the Pool and Spa, obtaining a copy of their service report would be sufficient to show that the Pool and Spa are working properly, and you would not need our report to reflect the status of the Pool and Spa, saving you $50. However, we would be happy to inspect your Pool and Spa should you want to be 100% sure that they work.
Make sure that the seller has filled the pool and spa and that the filtration system has been running prior to the inspection. We cannot inspect empty or severely dirty pools.
Will you need the inspection on a Weekend? ($75 Extra)
Why do you ask?
We do our best to accomodate our client's work schedules by having inspection start times ranging from 9am until 3pm Monday through Friday. However we also understand the occasional need for our clients to have the inspection on the Weekend, and make that option available for $75 more.
Do you want add a
BuildFax Report
($25 Extra)
What is this?
A third-party report similar to what CarFax would give you for a car, except on a house. We get them at a discounted rate and offer them to you for less than you would pay at their website.
How did you hear about us?
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